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Built for a Lifetime of Comfort and Value!

Did you know your home can be high-performance? When you use EPS SIPs for your home, you choose an energy-efficient structure that will save you money for years to come. A SIP home package is wholly engineered to perform as a package and not just as components. SIP homes are superior to stick-frame homes in both energy efficiency and durability. If you choose to use SIP walls and roof panels, your home could be up to 15 times more airtight than traditional construction, resulting in a more comfortable home for you.

Building with Structural Insulated Panels reduces air movements and drafts, moisture, and noise and helps keep dust and allergens from penetrating. A SIP home can be constructed faster and with less labor due to the insulating, framing, and sheathing being combined into one panel during manufacturing.

EPS is the nation’s largest SIP manufacturer with nearly 40 years of experience. You get the advantage of years of experience coupled with the expertise of your local EPS Builder/Dealer who has been specifically trained in SIP construction.

What are SIPs?

Structural Insulated Panels or SIPs join expanded polystyrene foam and oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood. The rigid closed-cell foam is sandwiched between the OSB or Plywood to create the SIP panel. This high-performance foam thickness can be adjusted to increase R-Value.

SIPs are manufactured under factory-controlled conditions and can be custom designed for each project. SIPs can be used for residential, commercial, and agricultural projects.

Energy Efficiency

The biggest benefit of SIPs is energy efficiency. Don’t pay to heat and cool the outdoors! Air leakage and improperly installed insulation in a stick-built home can waste 20% or more of the energy you use to heat and cool your home.

Choose from R-18, R-26, R-33, or R-40 wall panels.

Superior Strength

Impact resistance is another standard feature of SIPs. The continuous bonding of the polystyrene core to the OSB or plywood offers incredible strength and impact resistance. Vertical and horizontal stress loads are tested two times stronger than conventional stud walls. EPS walls resist up to 7,000 pounds per foot, which results in structures that are stronger, straighter, taller, and wider.



"I was very impressed by the way it looked and the way it went together."
"Premier Ag working with EPS was also able to get the highest quality, longest lasting facility."
"I’m thrilled with the building."
"The longer I live here, the more advantages I see."
"Heat-wise, I spend way less than $1,000 a year."
"The efficiency, I think, is tremendous."
"If I had to do it over again, I would do the same thing."
"Dealing with EPS and Building Green, it was very relaxing, there was no pressure."
"One of the best things about working for EPS is when you order something, everything comes. You have every nail, every screw, every fastener you need."
"Anytime you have a question they’re always there, they will answer the phone every time I call. They’re there to get it taken care of right away."
"It’s surprising how much faster that you can build having everything laid out. Your manifest laid out, knowing exactly the material you have on the job. Full set of blueprints, all engineered, you know the building goes right together."
"The reason why I chose EPS was the way they deal with you, the way they help you as a Dealer. They are not just there to sell you material, EPS is there to make sure you are successful as well."
"We are very happy with the EPS buildings, simple as that."
"When it’s done, we know it’s going to stand forever."

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