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Solid Core

Solid Core

Your New Home - Love it More!

Solid Core panels combine high-performance rigid foam insulation with Oriented Strand Board (OSB) or plywood. The foam thickness can be adjusted to increase the R-Value, enhancing energy efficiency.

Our Solid Core walls offer whole wall R-Values that can outperform standard steel or stick-built walls by over 50%. You can choose from R-18, R-26, R-33, or R-40 walls, depending on your needs. The colder the climate, the higher R-Value you’ll want. These panels are versatile and can be engineered in various dimensions for all types of buildings.

Unlike traditional insulation, Solid Core walls have no sagging or compressed insulation and no air movement, thanks to their solid core construction. This design makes our panels 15 times better at stopping air infiltration, ensuring a more comfortable and warmer building.

EPS Solid Core panel systems also offer versatile options for roofs and siding, with many materials easily attachable to the panel surface. Customers often choose trusses with purlins or SIPs roof panels to complement their building’s design.

SIPs Save

Building with SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) creates a super building envelope with high thermal resistance and minimal air infiltration. An airtight SIP building will use less energy to heat and cool, allow for better control over indoor environmental conditions, and reduce construction waste. SIPs are ready to install when they arrive at the job site, eliminating the need to perform individual operations of framing, sheathing, and insulating stick framed walls.

Economical Construction

Electrical wire chases are internal in our panel system. Vertical wire chases are located every four feet between the panel splines and horizontally 16 and 42 inches off the panel floor or custom locations per specifications. Windows 40 inches or smaller in width do not require headers. Two-by framing is put into the routed panel. Headers are used for doors and larger openings with vertical studs that lock the top header in place.

Flexible Design

Depending on the size and needs of the structure, the thickness of the foam is adjusted to increase R-value and strength. In addition, the thickness of the OSB or plywood is also adjusted for larger clear spans and taller buildings. Choose from the standard R-18, R-26, R-33 or R-40 walls.

Quality Fabrication

The walls are typically joined using two 2”x4” spline studs cut to size and then inserted vertically between the panel assembly every four feet. The panels are routed top and bottom to lock the sill and top plates to the panel system.

Engineered Package

Roof trusses are set 4 feet or 2 feet on center. Purlins and roof sheeting can be used or panels can be customized for vaulted ceilings. Panels are set perpendicular to the ridge beam offering speed and high R-values. A major advantage of our panel system over stick built structures is that EPS panels can be manufactured up to 32 feet.

Stronger and Straighter

Impact resistance is another standard feature of Structural Insulated Panels. The continuous bonding of EPS insulation to the OSB or plywood offers incredible strength and resistance to impact. Vertical and horizontal stress loads are tested two times stronger than conventional stud walls. EPS walls resist up to 7,000 pounds per foot which results in structures that are stronger, straighter, taller and wider.

Versatile Usage

Solid Core panel systems offer complete customization of roof materials. The most popular are trusses with purlins for structural insulated panels over the top of trusses which offer open attic designs. Shingles, standing seam roofs or virtually any roofing material can also be used. As with the roofing, siding options are also limitless. Brick, vinyl, cement board siding or just about any material is easily attached to our core panel surface.

Finish it Your Way

A building constructed with Solid Core Panels allows for a variety of interior finish options, including paint, drywall, or corrugated steel panels.

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