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Single Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes


Your New Home - Love it More!

Are you planning a new residential project? With EPS Buildings, you can enjoy the benefits of custom-designed homes using cutting-edge building technology. Our homes can be constructed using Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), which are increasingly preferred for their long-term value and comfort.

Here at EPS, we have an in-house designer dedicated to turning your dream home into a reality. Not sure where to start? We have EPS Original Floor Plans to get you started! We have SIP panels of various thicknesses to meet your desired R-Value and cater to your design needs. This flexibility allows you to have your new home built the way you want it!

To get started, reach out to the District Sales Manager in your area. They will connect you with your local EPS Authorized Builder/Dealer, ensuring a smooth and personalized building experience.


The commute to work from home is short when you combine your home with a shop or garage. Whether you call it a shouse or barndominium, building with EPS and our Authorized Dealers means you have the flexibility to build for your wants and needs.

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Single Family Homes

We understand that designing and building your dream home is a major undertaking! That’s why we use our years of experience combined with the  latest technology to help.

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Your perfect home away from home. On the lake or in the woods, we can help you design your perfect cabin. Using SIPs can maximize your energy efficiency and provide a comfortable environment to get away.

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Multi-Family Homes

EPS is fast becoming a leader in multi-family development projects providing a comfortable environment and long term value and energy savings.

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"I was very impressed by the way it looked and the way it went together."
"Premier Ag working with EPS was also able to get the highest quality, longest lasting facility."
"I’m thrilled with the building."
"The longer I live here, the more advantages I see."
"Heat-wise, I spend way less than $1,000 a year."
"The efficiency, I think, is tremendous."
"If I had to do it over again, I would do the same thing."
"Dealing with EPS and Building Green, it was very relaxing, there was no pressure."
"One of the best things about working for EPS is when you order something, everything comes. You have every nail, every screw, every fastener you need."
"Anytime you have a question they’re always there, they will answer the phone every time I call. They’re there to get it taken care of right away."
"It’s surprising how much faster that you can build having everything laid out. Your manifest laid out, knowing exactly the material you have on the job. Full set of blueprints, all engineered, you know the building goes right together."
"The reason why I chose EPS was the way they deal with you, the way they help you as a Dealer. They are not just there to sell you material, EPS is there to make sure you are successful as well."
"We are very happy with the EPS buildings, simple as that."
"When it’s done, we know it’s going to stand forever."

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